Live The Life You Deserve!

Trauma Fade ~ Life Coaching ~ Yoga Therapy and more

Elevate your well-being to new heights.

Discover the transformative potential of an integrative approach, acknowledging the intricate interplay between your physical health, emotions, thoughts, diet, lifestyle, and spirit.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your vitality, find emotional balance, or connect with someone who can help you reach the next step on your journey, this session is your gateway to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

Create the life you deserve but don’t have right now.

  1. Sign up for my newsletter and immediately get three helpful articles.

  2. Book a free call so I can understand your challenges.

    We’ll talk and you’ll see things in a new way.


Trauma Fade uses eye movement to change the brain and put trauma in the past where it belongs. No discussion necessary.


Coaching provides support and accountability to help you adopt new habits. j

Yoga classes and therapy

Yoga addresses health in a multi-dimensional level, linking breath, body and stillness of the mind.

Friends, tonight I had the most wonderful opportunity to observe Sharon offering a coaching demonstration on “Cynthia.” The words were perfect - articulate, unobtrusive, perfectly timed, delivered with wholly authentic encouragement.
— Rose Rosetree, international author, speaker, aura reader and energy spirituality leader

Ready to find emotional balance?

Want to connect with someone
who can help you reach the next step on your journey?

  1. Sign up for my newsletter and immediately get three helpful articles.

  2. Book a free call so I can understand your challenges. We’ll talk and you’ll see things in a new way.